
About Me
Honing Your Business Skills

When I was just starting out in business, I felt like I could handle most things that came my way. I worked hard to troubleshoot issues like trouble employees and financial constraints, and I always came out on top. However, after the economy tanked, business became harder and harder, and I realized that I needed to find a different way to make things work. I decided to research different business plans, focus on honing the different skills that I already had, and hit the books again. This blog is all about honing your business skills and finding different ways to streamline your company.


Improving Your Company’s Anti-Terrorist Security

26 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you're a business owner, you need to make sure your business is protected from terrorists and hackers. There are numerous ways that terrorists can attack, and not all terrorists attacks are large scale. In fact, some terrorists stage attacks via the Internet — these are known as cyber attacks. With so many options out there for terrorists, you need to make sure your company's pertinent information and your employees are protected against potential threats. Read More …

Packaging Delicate Items Properly So They Don’t Become Damaged in Transit

23 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you own your own small business and you plan on shipping fragile items to customers, there will be a need to package them appropriately so they do not become damaged before they get to their destinations. Purchasing the correct packaging products will be imperative in protecting your shipments properly. Here are some tips you can use to ensure the wares you are sending will get to their intended recipients without breaking during their travels. Read More …

Creative Storage Solutions For Shopkeepers On A Budget

23 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Do you have a great idea for a retail shop? Have you been looking at storefronts but none of them seem like they will work? When you're just starting out and have little capital, it can be frustrating to be unable to rent a shop that you think is the appropriate size. Fortunately, it is possible to get around your money limitations if you simply think creatively. Here are some ideas to help you get started: Read More …

3 Beneficial Qualities To Seek In A Data Facility Management Service

23 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Are you about to open your first business? Perhaps it is a start-up company that is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. For now, you may not have the business capital to have an internal IT department. Some businesses rely on third-party IT services. You may be thinking that you can handle all of your IT needs on your own for the time being, but at some point, you are likely going to need to determine another approach to data maintenance. Read More …

2 Ways To Keep Your Items Safe In A Moving Truck

22 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

One of the biggest risks that can come from moving to a new home is that much of your property can end up getting damaged during the moving process. In most cases, this damage is avoidable if you take the right steps to secure the property when placing it into a moving truck. Listed below are two ways to keep your items safe in a moving truck. Furniture Pads  One of the things that many people seem to neglect when loading their furniture onto a truck is a padding, mostly because they believe that packing the items in tight enough and securing the items to the truck's railing and tie-down spots will keep the furniture secure. Read More …