
About Me
Honing Your Business Skills

When I was just starting out in business, I felt like I could handle most things that came my way. I worked hard to troubleshoot issues like trouble employees and financial constraints, and I always came out on top. However, after the economy tanked, business became harder and harder, and I realized that I needed to find a different way to make things work. I decided to research different business plans, focus on honing the different skills that I already had, and hit the books again. This blog is all about honing your business skills and finding different ways to streamline your company.


A Few Reasons To Hire A Professional For Water Heater Repair

17 March 2023
 Categories: Business, Blog

A water heater is an essential appliance in most homes, providing hot water for showering, washing dishes, and doing laundry. When your water heater breaks down, it can be frustrating and inconvenient. While some homeowners may attempt to repair their water heater on their own, it's best to leave this job to the professionals. Here are four benefits of hiring a professional for water heater repair. Saves Money in the Long Run Read More …

3 Circumstances When It’s Imperative To Rent Generators For Your Business

10 January 2023
 Categories: Business, Blog

 Generators are crucial because they help light your business in case of a power blackout, enhancing safety. They also power your electrical appliances, preventing business disruption and losses. For example, if well-connected, a generator will power your business refrigerator, preventing your stock from going bad. Therefore, as a business owner, you should ensure that you get reliable and well-functioning generators to avoid inconveniences. Nevertheless, you may be unable to purchase a new generator due to a lack of finances, making you stressed. Read More …

5 Reasons Why Your Small Farm Needs Crop Insurance

7 November 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

There are many types of farm insurance, but one that is very helpful for small farmers is crop insurance. Many smaller farms are only one or two failed harvests away from losing the farm. Insuring your crops can enable you to avoid that risk.  1. Shield Against Disaster  A natural disaster can occur to anyone. Hail storms, flooding, and drought are just some of the most common concerns. Crop insurance is designed to protect you against disasters. Read More …

What To Look For In Blinds For Your Law Office

9 September 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

Owning a law office means you have to be professional at all times. Your window treatments should not only offer privacy but look professional as well. If you need new window blinds, you need to make sure they are durable, effective, and professional in appearance. What are you looking for in blinds for your law office? There are a surprising number of options based on your budget and the style of your office, so it's not as easy to choose new blinds as you may believe. Read More …

Why You Should Choose a Custom Shadow Box Versus a Premade One

15 July 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you ever went shopping for a shadow to use for your own collectibles or as a gift for a friend, you are probably already aware of how limited your choices can be. Whether you want to display sports memorabilia or your military medals, one size never fits all when it comes to shadow boxes. Having a shadow box custom-made is the best option and can save you a lot of time and frustration trying to find one that is just the right size for your collectibles. Read More …