How To Store An Emergency Water Supply In Your Home

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Honing Your Business Skills

When I was just starting out in business, I felt like I could handle most things that came my way. I worked hard to troubleshoot issues like trouble employees and financial constraints, and I always came out on top. However, after the economy tanked, business became harder and harder, and I realized that I needed to find a different way to make things work. I decided to research different business plans, focus on honing the different skills that I already had, and hit the books again. This blog is all about honing your business skills and finding different ways to streamline your company.


How To Store An Emergency Water Supply In Your Home

30 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you just moved to an area prone to natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, or hurricanes, and you have a well on your property to obtain water, you will want to take the necessary steps in preparing your home if a disaster causes electricity to cease. If you do not have a generator attached to your well's water pump, you will not be able to access water to drink, cook, or bathe. It is important to have several days worth of water for each family member stored in your home in case a disaster strikes. Here are some steps you can take to ensure water is contained, treated, and stored so it's safe for use.

Selecting The Right Containers For Storage

It is important to use food-grade plastic or glass containers to hold water you will be storing. These substances are both thick enough that contaminants are not able to penetrate through the container material. Many people use spring water containers to store tap water after consuming the original water inside. Consider purchasing a container or two of extra bottled water when going to the grocery store to save in case of an emergency as this water is already treated and ready to drink when needed.

Disinfecting Tap Water To Make It Safe For Consumption

If you place tap water inside a container, it will need to be chemically treated to remove any bacteria from within so it is safe to drink when needed. After filling a gallon-sized container with tap water, add six drops of 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite (unscented liquid bleach) to the water using a medicine dropper. If the water is exceptionally cloudy, the amount of bleach can be increased up to twelve drops. 

Storing Water Safely Inside Of Your Home

Whether you purchase water bottles from a grocery store or decide to disinfect tap water inside containers, the enclosures will need to be stored properly to retain the quality of the liquid inside. Water should be stored in a cool, dark location. This can be inside a basement, garage, crawl space, or shed. Place the water bottles on a pallet to keep them off surfaces that may have temperature fluctuations. A cover can also be placed over them to keep them away from pests and dust accumulation. It is best to swap stored water with a newly treated batch within six months of storing to ensure the quality is not compromised.

For more information, contact local professionals like Jim's Water Truck Service.